Release of Takashi Amano's Photo Book "Amazon Underwater"
From 1995 to 2003, Takashi Amano devoted himself to photographing the underwater world of the Amazon. These works have been published in various outlets, including the monthly magazine Aqua Journal and the photo book The Last Amazon. Amazon Underwater brings together a selection of these photographs, carefully chosen to mark the 10th anniversary of Amano's passing. This book is a treasure trove of inspiration for aquarists, offering insights into creating Nature Aquariums and capturing the raw beauty of tropical fish and aquatic plants as they exist in the wild.
#天野尚 #TakashiAmano #ADA #AquaDesignAmano
#naturephotography #風景写真#水中写真#アマゾン
天野尚写真集 アマゾン水中 ADA アクアデザインアマノ 計一冊
天野尚写真集 アマゾン水中 ADA アクアデザインアマノ 計一冊
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天野尚写真集 アマゾン水中 ADA アクアデザインアマノ 計一冊